
How To Find My Target Heart Rate

Target Centre Rate Calculator

Target Heart Rate Reckoner

Target Center Rate (THR) range values are ofttimes calculated to ensure practice intensity is maintained at a desired level. This calculator automatically calculates THR ranges.

The Karvonen formula is often used for this purpose and calculates results as a function of heart charge per unit reserve (HRR) and maximum heart rate (HRmax).

  • HRR = HRmax - HR rest
    Where HRrest is the resting Hr of the individual

HRmax may exist calculated by a maximal practise test (value to exist entered into the computer direct) or past using an historic period predicted formula.

At that place are two formulae currently favoured:

  1. HRmax = 220 – age (which is reported to be simpler to use)
  2. HRmax = 206.9 – (0.67 10 age) (reported to be more accurate [#gellish-rl-goslin-br-olson-re-et-al.-2007]

Target HR range is calculated as follows:

  • THRR= (HRR x desired training intensity) + HRest

Target HRmax (THRmax) is caluclated equally follows:

  • THRmax= (desired training intensity) ten (HRmax)

For instance, if computing THRR for a 45 year old with a resting HR of 72bpm, whereby training intensity is 40-59%:

  1. HRR = [(220 – 45) – 72] = 103bpm
  2. THHR = 103 * 0.iv + 72 = 113.2 bpm and 103 * 0.59 + 72 = 132.77 bpm
  3. THHR = 113 – 133bpm

Medications such as beta blockers directly touch upon an individual's centre rate. For this reason, culling measures of do intensity may be more appropriate. Please refer to the exercise sections of this website before prescribing target heart rates to patients.

Persons' Details


Persons Age


Graded Excercise Exam Max Center Rate


Heart Rate Resting


Persons desired exercise intensity%

Calculated Target Heart Rates

intensity hrr Calculated Range hour max Calculated Range rpe
Very Light <19% {{tHrrValue(0.19)}} <34% {{tHrmaxValue(0.34)}} <10
Light xx% - 39% {{tHrrValue(0.2)}} - {{tHrrValue(0.39)}} 35% - 54% {{tHrmaxValue(0.35)}} - {{tHrmaxValue(0.54)}} ten - xi
Moderate forty% - 59% {{tHrrValue(0.4)}} - {{tHrrValue(0.59)}} 55% - 69% {{tHrmaxValue(0.55)}} - {{tHrmaxValue(0.69)}} 12 - 13
Difficult 60% - 84% {{tHrrValue(0.6)}} - {{tHrrValue(0.84)}} 70% - 89% {{tHrmaxValue(}} - {{tHrmaxValue(0.89)}} 14 - 16
Very Hard 85% - 100% {{tHrrValue(0.85)}} - {{tHrrValue(1)}} xc% - 100% {{tHrmaxValue(0.9)}} - {{tHrmaxValue(1)}} 17 - 19



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